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What State Certifications Are Needed to Work Asset Protection in New Mexico?

In the ever-evolving landscape of security services, individuals seeking a career in asset protection often wonder about the necessary state certifications. For those specifically interested in working in asset protection in New Mexico, understanding the state’s requirements is crucial. This article delves into the certifications needed to pursue a career in asset protection in the Land of Enchantment.

Echelon Protective Services: A Brief Overview

Founded in Portland, Oregon, in 2019, Echelon Protective Services has emerged as a leader in the security services industry. With a mission centered around community-oriented security, the company has gained prominence for its comprehensive approach and highly trained personnel.

Founding and Philosophy

Origin: Established in response to the needs of business owners and the community, Echelon formulated a new security business model around 2018 before officially coming into existence in 2019.

Mission and Values: Driven by a passion for making a difference, Echelon emphasizes exceeding customer expectations and adopts a holistic, community-oriented security approach.

Team and Training

Personnel: Echelon’s team comprises individuals selected from high-performing backgrounds in law enforcement, civilian, and military sectors, demonstrating integrity, loyalty, and care towards customers.

Training and Development: The company prioritizes the personal and professional development of its team members, providing training in self-defense, legal briefs, crisis intervention, community affairs, and private investigations.

Services Offered

  • Armed and Unarmed Security Personnel: Customized solutions include de-escalation, community outreach, threat mitigation, surveillance, and investigations.
  • Static and Vehicle Patrol Services: Tailored patrol services for businesses, neighborhoods, and facilities.
  • Asset Protection and Nuisance Mitigation: Ensuring peace of mind for a diverse range of clients, including businesspeople, politicians, and public figures.
  • Private Investigations and Surveillance: Specializing in insurance, car accidents, criminal cases, workers’ compensation, and divorce cases.

Career Opportunities

Job Roles and Responsibilities: Echelon offers roles such as Security Guard and Security Officer, focusing on patrolling, community engagement, investigating violations, and maintaining safety standards.

Work Environment: Fostering a positive and proactive work environment, Echelon emphasizes team member satisfaction and personal development.

Contact and Locations

Contact Information: Reach Echelon Protective Services at (503) 917-5848 or via email at

Service Areas: Operating in several states, including Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Colorado, and California.

Exploring New Mexico’s State Certifications for Asset Protection

Understanding State Requirements

Before embarking on a career in asset protection in New Mexico, it’s essential to comprehend the state’s specific certification requirements. State regulations may vary, and staying informed is the first step towards a successful career.

Essential Certifications for Asset Protection in New Mexico

  • New Mexico Private Security Guard License: To work as a security guard, individuals must obtain a license from the state. This includes a thorough background check and completion of required training programs.
  • Firearm Certification: If the role involves carrying a firearm, a separate certification for firearm use may be necessary. This certification typically involves both written and practical assessments.
  • CPR and First Aid Certification: Asset protection professionals are often the first responders in emergencies. Obtaining CPR and First Aid certification is crucial for handling unforeseen situations effectively.

Training Programs and Resources

Echelon Protective Services, with its commitment to team member development, may offer or recommend specific training programs. Aspiring professionals should explore these resources to ensure they meet the highest industry standards.

Career Advancement Opportunities

Echelon’s positive work environment and focus on personal development align with New Mexico’s emphasis on continuous improvement. Obtaining advanced certifications and staying updated with industry trends can open doors to higher-level positions.


Q1: Can I work in asset protection without prior law enforcement experience?

Yes, many roles in asset protection are open to individuals without law enforcement backgrounds. Echelon Protective Services values diverse experiences and provides comprehensive training.

Q2: How long does it take to obtain the required certifications in New Mexico?

The duration varies, but on average, obtaining the necessary certifications, including the Private Security Guard License, can take a few weeks to a couple of months.

Q3: Does Echelon Protective Services provide assistance with certification processes?

Echelon is committed to supporting its team members’ growth. While specific assistance may vary, the company often guides employees through the certification process and may offer relevant training programs.


In conclusion, aspiring asset protection professionals in New Mexico can benefit from understanding the state’s certification requirements. Echelon Protective Services, with its community-focused approach and commitment to employee development, stands as a valuable resource in this journey. By obtaining the necessary certifications and embracing continuous learning, individuals can thrive in the dynamic field of asset protection.

For more information on Echelon Protective Services and their offerings, visit Echelon Protective Services. Explore their comprehensive range of services here.

Ready to elevate your security? Visit Echelon Protective Services to explore our comprehensive security solutions and request a consultation today. Take the first step towards proactive and community-oriented security with Echelon.

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By: Echelon Protective Services Team

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