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Echelon was founded in the City of Portland, Oregon. In the late 2000’s owners of Echelon began observing the needs of business owners and the community around us. In 2018, they began to formulate a new business model for security in the modern age.

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What is the hot protocol in security?

Are you curious about the latest advancements in security protocols? Wondering what the hottest trends are in keeping your assets safe? In this comprehensive guide,…

What is ABCD Security?

In the realm of security services, one term gaining increasing prominence is “ABCD security.” But what exactly does it entail? How does it differ from…

How many types of security are there?

Security is not a one-size-fits-all concept; rather, it encompasses a spectrum of strategies and measures tailored to specific needs and contexts. From physical barriers to…

What are the 4 C’s vs the 4Ps?

In the realm of marketing strategy, two prominent frameworks emerge: the 4 C’s and the 4Ps. These models offer distinct perspectives on how businesses can…

What is the Difference Between a Security Guard and a Security Officer?

In the security landscape of New Mexico, clarity regarding the distinction between security guards and security officers is crucial. Understanding their roles, responsibilities, and qualifications…

How Big is the Physical Security Industry?

The physical security industry encompasses a diverse array of services and solutions aimed at preventing unauthorized access, protecting assets, and mitigating potential threats. From manned…

What is New in Physical Security? Exploring Innovations and Trends in Portland, Oregon

In an era marked by technological advancements and evolving security challenges, the landscape of physical security is constantly evolving. From traditional security measures to cutting-edge…

What are the six security levels?

Security is paramount in today’s world, and understanding the different levels of security is essential for safeguarding individuals, businesses, and communities. In Portland, Oregon, where…

What are the three essential elements of security?

Security concerns are paramount, especially in bustling urban centers like Portland, Oregon. With its diverse population and thriving businesses, the need for comprehensive security solutions…

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